What clients have said:

  • “Ellie helped me to find myself and stand up again. After my divorce, I felt so low and unwanted but Ellie helped me to regain my confidence and to look at issues from a more positive perspective. ”

    — F.A.

  • “Thank you for being open and honest with me. As a man I initially felt embarrassed to acknowledge my feelings. I was so mauled up. You allowed me to explore my past feelings and say what I want. I now have a better relationship with my wife, I talk to her and talk about worries. She now knows why I am sometime quiet. This is a long journey but thank you for being helping me so far. ”

    — S.V.

  • "I was totally lost and confused, I felt I am getting old but still there was so much that I would like to do and achieve. I was fed up with my job and apprehensive to tell anybody that I want to change my career. Ellie helped me to set new goals in my life and made me think issues from a different perspective. She helped me not be frightened of peoples judgement and instead hear them and move on. "


  • "I felt very depressed and I could not find out why. I kept thinking about my late mother who passed away 4 years ago and thought I did not do enough for her especially during the last few months of her life and kept having flashbacks. People around me couldn't understand why I felt guilty. When I talked with Ellie, she acknowledged my feelings and we spoke about delayed grief. After our first session I could see that I already felt better about myself. She has been a great help and supported me to come to terms with my emotions and mental state. I'm so thankful to her."
